Al parecer mientras hasta la abuela remecía sus articulaciones, en la noche del sábado para el domingo, la comunidad rural de Carancas (Provincia de Chucuito, Departamento de Puno, en el sur de Perú) se remeció por un probable meteorito que cayó dejando un cráter de 30 metros de diámetro y seis de profundidad.
Los campesinos de la zona temían el brote de alguna enfermedad "por el desprendimiento de esquirlas de plomo y plata (¿cómo saben? pero nadie reportó piedras verdes) que dejó el meteorito al precipitarse a tierra" (según nuestra radio local RPP). Supongo que todo se agravó en la mente de la gente cuando los 7 policías que fueron a recolectar muestras del lugar cayeron enfermos con náuseas, dolor de cabeza, mareos que habrían mejorado con sólo hidratación y oxígeno. Aunque según la Academia Nacional de Ciencias en Perú caen meteoritos con frecuencia, y NO entrañan peligro salvo caigan en una casa, la Dirección Regional de Salud (DIRESA) ya tiene las muestras para saber en verdad qué pasó. Oficialmente sólo fueron 100 a 150 personas afectadas por dichas molestias y NO hubo algo mayor que reportar según la DIRESA. Sólo queda el malestar y la rinitis alérgica que ha dejado el evento Espero que los geólogos y físicos de la UNSA (Universidad de San Agustín) digan qué fue de paso. Esa historia está rara aún.
* Imagen que vi en El blog de Jotace.

Hay un video del lugar haciendo click acá, link cortesía de la mamá del Pory. Que hasta Dollaronia llegó la noticia.
No soy ni geólogo ni físico y puede que hable piedras pero en esa foto y el video veo agua, me recuerda enormemente a la secuencia final del video del primer episodio de Walking with Beasts que posteé. No será que el impacto abrió algo que no debía en la tierra?. Sino ¿por qué sigue el olor? Para que algunos científicos no hayan descartado la posibilidad de una erupción es que la zona geológicamente no ha de ser tan estable creo. ¿No se habrá liberado gases tóxicos atrapados de la tierra más bien? Y a eso se debían los malos olores? personalmente un olor feo me causa nausea y dolor de cabeza. En personas de un lugar no acostumbrados a la contaminación ha de ser peor. Por otro lado quien ha ido a la serranía sabe que en muchas zonas la napa freática no es tan profunda, quien sabe si ha habido contaminación de aguas en menor escala en la zona. No sé cómo andarán en sanidad ahí. Si hay alguien que sepa del asunto ojalá diga cosas más claras. La intoxicación por metales en el aire es algo real como saben. Al menos la cosa no fue a mayores por lo que veo.Si no lo sabías, según los medios de comunicación, los pobladores de la zona escucharon un estruendo que parecía provenir de un avión que caía en picada, luego vieron en el cielo un objeto en llamas (¿meteorito?) que se estrelló en tierra y produjo una explosión que dejó trozos de rocas y cenizas (de quién sabe qué) regados en el lugar. No hubo reportes de nadie quedándose pelado o de algún niño levantando algún carro en la zona, hasta donde sé.
Por cierto en YouTube hay un canal con videos a propósito de la Temporada 7 de Smallville. Sí, con la prima Kara y Bizarro, el enemigo de Clark Kent. Hay trailers, comerciales y más.* Imagen que vi en El blog de Jotace.
ResponderBorrarVi la noticia esta mañana, si pues extraño muy extraño.Esperemos que no haya nada que lamentar posteriormente
la dirección regional de salud dice que no actualmente, pero acepta que a futuro no se sabe
ResponderBorrarchale! yo que pensé que era una de esas historias fantásticas que publicaban los diarios chicha!... bueno aunque los sensacionalistas decían que cayó un objeto extraterrestre metálico xDDDDD
ResponderBorrarRinitis de polvo?
Histeria en masa?
Pero pucha, Terremoto, meteorito... si en un mes cae uno en Indonesia, agarro mi pasaje a la luna!
En francés esta entrada da risa. ¿No hay superpoderes todavía?
ResponderBorrarla muerte por meteorito es solamente de personas piñas y debe ser ultrahiperdoloroso xD
ResponderBorraresos son capaces de decir que vieron luego a Superman volar
¿no quisieras ser loca meteoro? algunas tienen poderes especiales.
sólo super ... incomodidades para los de ese lugar según sé.
No creo duela mucho, debe ser muerte instantánea, pero igual hay que ser bien pero bien mala suerte para que justo un meteoro te caiga encima.
¡Caray! Cuando ví el agua pensé en que era un meteorito que habría caído sobre el nivel del mar o, sobre aguas subterráneas... ...sí, llama la atención el agua. Las molestias... idea, algo de gases feos o de contaminación debe haber, a ver lo que dicen los expertos... todas formas, debe ser todo un espectáculo ir a verlo, éso sí, con mascarilla o algo así.
ResponderBorrarSmallville era una serie que me encantaba. La veía cuando aún tenía televisión por cable, ahora ya no puedo verla :( pero, ¡¡¡estaba chulísima!!!
Un saludito.
ResponderBorrarA la michi!!
que feo :(
Sí, yo tmb pienso q la caída debe haber hecho q algo aflore, vamos pa puno....
ResponderBorrarPude ser que lo del meteorito sea verdad para algunos cosas pero para el resto se me hace histeria colectiva.
ResponderBorrarYa dirán que fue. De Smallville yo he sido irregular en las últimas temporadas. Una amiga lloró cuando Lana y Lex se casaron pues dice que Clark le daba pena, ese capítulo no lo he visto aún, por ejemplo.
Pobre bichillo el que haya sido aplastado.
¡Vamos pues! ¡tú dirás! XD
En parte creo igual.
Russian Military Intelligence Analysts are reporting today that one of the United States most secretive spy satellites, the KH-13, targeting Iran was 'destroyed in its orbit' with its main power generator powered by the radioactive isotope Pu-238 surviving re-entry and crashing in a remote region of the South American Nation of Peru, and where hundreds are reported to be ill from radiation poisoning
ResponderBorrarare you sure about this?
ResponderBorrarthere is no offitial news about this around here!
I also heard about that idea in a local phorum
I´ll do some research, thanks in advance
ResponderBorrarCheck this out!
ResponderBorrar(CLICK LINK)
For the Italian visitor:
ResponderBorrar"Volcanologist for Peru's Geological, Mining and Metallurgical Institute (INGEMMET), Luisa Macedo, confirmed that a chondrite meteorite had caused the 17 meter (55 foot) wide and 5 meter (16 foot) deep crater when it landed on earth.
It was reported that with the help of the Desaguadero Municipality, the water would be drained out of the crater to establish the exact size of the hole that was made by the chondrite meteorite.
Macedo explained that the chondrite was not radioactive and did not have any toxic gases or substances which could be harmful to peoples health. On the other hand, Macedo stated that it had not yet been established if the water supply in the province of Chucuito had been contaminated or not.
Aside from the analysis Macedo is performing, the National University of Altiplano, Peru's Nuclear Energy Institute, the National Institute of Natural Resources, the Ministry of Health and a Bolivian university are all taking part in the analysis of the area."
Rest of the article in (click above)
Plutonium 238, is a radioactive isotope of plutonium with a half-life of 87.7 years and is a very powerful alpha emitter. Because of its high level of alpha activity, it is used for radioisotope thermoelectric generators and radioisotope heater units. The use of plutonium-238 in American and Soviet spacecraft is somewhat controversial.
ResponderBorrarToday, Plutonium 238 is usually prepared by the irradiation of neptunium 237, a minor actinide produced in nuclear reactors, that can be recovered from spent nuclear fuel during reprocessing, or by the irradiation of americium in a reactor. In both cases, the targets are subjected to a chemical treatment, including dissolution in nitric acid to extract the plutonium-238. A 100kg sample of light water reactor fuel that has been irradiated for three years contains only about 700 grams of neptunium 237, and the neptunium must be extracted selectively.
The United States currently has limited facilities to produce plutonium-238. Since 1993, the U.S. has purchased all of the plutonium-238 it has used in space probes from Russia. 16.5 kilograms total have been purchased.
(3 paragraphs from Wikipedia's article on Plutonium 238)
Has escuchado al Alcalde de NY molesto porque el M no cayo en NY, ya que nosotros no sabemos explotar algo asi porque no tenemos los recursos? Esta en Blogsperu, fijate porque es un MATE DE RISA.
ResponderBorrar(Oe, nos estamos contagiando de lso amigos del Norte con lo de la paranoia y los encubrimientos? Por ahi dicen tambien que el Gob. trato de encubrir la ver. mag. del Terremoto para no pagar la indemnizacion...)
ResponderBorrarel alcalde de Nueva York está enojado porque ese meteorito no cayó allá?
jaja, es bromita! (Creo.. espero! aunque no me sorprenderia!)
Es el colmo ese alcalde está para tirarle un meteorito encima! dijo taradez y media! el colmo!
ResponderBorrara mi tampoco me sorprendería que fuera cierto (tú sabes que los estadounidenses son bien ... mejor no digo... para esas cosas) pero creo que esto es broma pues no sale en ninguna otra parte.
ResponderBorrary... donde viste eso de lo del meteorito siendo un satelite? Suena--- "x-file-oso"
ResponderBorrarAh, la del terremoto recien la escuche ayer :S Pero suena logico si consideramos que entonces la equivalencia aqui en Lima fue de 5, lo cual dudo.
ResponderBorrarsee ya... tengo que hacer plano.. ahh! amanecida!!! (y no, no lo deje a ultima hora, me lo dejaron HOY en la mañana...)
lo del satélite me lo escribió un italiano acá via commment, estuvo como un cuarto de hora, supongo pensó le respondería al toque pero primero quería informarme.
ResponderBorrarjusto ahorita veo en el New York Times que es posible que lo que me dejaron escrito líneas arriba tenga base real en la prensa, EL NY Times lo cita!
ahorita te dejo el link para que lo veas!
click New York Times!
ResponderBorrarComo no tienes tiempo te lo pongo acá, parece que el italiano leyó esto:
ResponderBorrar"Leave it to Pravda, Russia’s state-run a Russian newspaper, to be first to report the most political explosive hypothesis for the hole in Peru. The crater, according to Russian Military Intelligence Analysts, was created when the United States Air Force shot down one of its own satellites, the paper says.
You see, the satellite was spying on Iran, and destroying it helps the United States lay the groundwork for an invasion, Pravda says. For a good conspiracy yarn, go read the rest of the article, which manages to tie together 9/11, the briefly missing nukes from a few weeks ago, and more."
Update, 6:48 PM Eastern (September 20th)
ResponderBorrarMore convincing tests are in: It’s a meteorite, but there’s still no explanation for the boiling water, the odors and the sickness. Also, the hole got smaller in this latest measurement. More details from The A.P.:
Astrophysicist Jose Ishitsuka of Peru’s Geophysics Institute reached the site about 6 miles from Lake Titicaca. He confirmed that a meteorite caused a crater 42 feet wide and 15 feet deep, the institute’s president, Ronald Woodman, told The Associated Press on Thursday.
Ishitsuka recovered a 3-inch magnetic fragment and said it contained iron, a mineral found in all rocks from space. The impact also registered a magnitude-1.5 tremor on the institute’s seismic equipment _ that’s as much as an explosion of 4.9 tons of dynamite, Woodman said.
lo cierto es que la NASA pensó como yo
ResponderBorrarA NASA scientist interviewed by agreed, saying of the steaming pond that “statistically, it’s far more likely to have come from below than from above.” Adding to the confusion, the scientist concedes that the meteorite explanation was not impossible, but he would expect it to be a metal one, not the rocky one identified by tests at the scene.
hi! to find search "carancas" with google. This is the follow of the article show in
ResponderBorrarGianluca, Umbria, Italy
Russian Military Intelligence Analysts are reporting today that one of the United States most secretive spy satellites, the KH-13, targeting Iran was 'destroyed in its orbit' with its main power generator powered by the radioactive isotope Pu-238 surviving re-entry and crashing in a remote region of the South American Nation of Peru, and where hundreds are reported to be ill from radiation poisoning.
Peru's meteorite was a US spy satellite? (AP)
US economy to go from bad to worse in nearest future
Iran and Syria work together developing deadly WMDs
Russia kills top terrorist who masterminded deadliest attacks
Wiesmann GT MF 5 powered by M5's V10 engine
Click here to see photos of the crash
Western media reports are stating that the US spy satellite debris hitting Peru was caused by a meteor, but which, according to these reports, would be 'impossible' as the size of 30-meter crater, if caused by a meteorite, would have hit the ground with about as much energy as 1 kiloton tactical nuclear weapon, and which would have been recorded by the seismic stations around the World.
Most astonishing about these reports, however, are that they state that it was the Americans themselves who destroyed their own spy satellite with the attack upon it being made by the United States Air Forces' 30th Space Wing located at Vandenberg Air Force Base in California. This incident further fuels the intrigue involving the United States War Leaders plans to attack Iran in their attempt to engulf the entire Middle East in Total War, but, against which, according to Russian Military Intelligence Analysts, a 'high ranking and significant' faction of the American Military Establishment is opposed to.
This can be further evidenced by this past few weeks unprecedented announcement by the United States Air Force that 6 nuclear armed cruise missiles were removed, without authorization, from their secure holding facility, located in North Dakota at the Minot Air Force Base, and flown to Barksdale Air Force Base, located in Louisiana, where they were left 'unattended' for 'nearly 10 hours'.
It is interesting to note, too, that Barksdale Air Force Base is where the United States President was 'ordered' to report to on September 11, 2001 by the United States Air Force Strategic Command prior to his being 'transferred' under 'armed escort' to Offutt Air Force Base Strategic Command Center near Omaha, Nebraska, where the first 'truce' between Americas War Leaders and its Military Forces was 'negotiated' by billionaire Warren Buffett as intermediary between the rival power blocs.
oh yes! Thanks Gianluca. Greetings to Umbria. =)
ResponderBorrarI've just read the article in Pravda.
As I see you also have a great interest in this mysterious topic, I can just tell you that the offitial version is that this was a chondrite meteor.
Check these links out! .
"Possible illness causes
Scientists have ruled out radiation at this point. Renan Ramirez of the Peruvian Nuclear Energy Institute stated that the medical conditions could have been caused by sulfur, arsenic or other toxins that may have melted in the extreme heat produced by the meteorite strike.[14] While it is suspected that the impact and visible fireball that villagers saw, which caused the crater, was a meteorite, was not yet officially confirmed, but some official Peruvian unnamed sources have stated it was indeed a meteorite,[1][15] Later on September 18, a Peruvian vulcanologist stated that the impact was purportedly caused by a chondrite meteorite.[16]
Some scientists have speculated the event may not have been a celestial in nature at all. Don Yeomans, head of the Near Earth Object Program at NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Pasadena, California, said, "Statistically, it's far more likely to have come from below than from above. The noxious fumes that have supposedly sickened curious locals who went to examine the crater would seem to indicate hydrothermal activity, such as a local gas explosion, because meteorites don't give off odors." However, according to geophysicist Larry Grossman of the University of Chicago, the aerial lights and explosions reported are consistent with extraterrestrial material landing on Earth.[17]
A report from three geologists at Peru's Geophysics Institute was due on Thursday, September 20, after they arrived at the remote, mountainous location, on the nature of the meteorite itself, but not the associated illness.[18] They confirmed that there had indeed been a meteorite strike.[2]"
"Because chondrites accumulated from material that formed very early in the history of the solar system, and because chondritic asteroids did not melt, they have very primitive compositions. "Primitive," in this sense, means that the abundances of most chemical elements do not differ greatly from that those that are measured by spectroscopic methods in the photosphere of the sun, which in turn should be well-representative of the entire solar system (note: to make such a comparison between a gaseous object like the sun and a rock like a chondrite, scientists choose one rock-forming element, such as silicon, to use as a reference point, and then compare ratios. Thus, the atomic ratio of Mg/Si measured in the sun (1.07) is identical to that measured in CI chondrites [1]).
Although all chondrite compositions can be considered primitive, there is variation among the different groups, as discussed above. CI chondrites seem to be nearly identical in composition to the sun for all but the gas-forming elements (e.g., hydrogen, carbon, nitrogen, and noble gases). Other chondrite groups deviate from the solar composition (i.e., they are fractionated) in highly systematic ways:
* At some point during the formation of many chondrites, particles of metal became partially separated from particles of silicate minerals. As a result, chondrites coming from asteroids that did not accrete with their full complement of metal (e.g., L, LL, and EL chondrites) are depleted in all siderophile elements, whereas those that accreted too much metal (e.g., CH, CB, and EH chondrites) are enriched in these elements compared to the sun.
* In a similar manner, although the exact process is not very well understood, highly refractory elements like Ca and Al became separated from less refractory elements like Mg and Si, and were not uniformly sampled by each asteroid. The parent bodies of many groups of carbonaceous chondrites over-sampled grains rich in refractory elements, whereas those of ordinary and enstatite chondrites were deficient in them.
* No chondrites except the CI group formed with a full, solar complement of volatile elements. In general, the level of depletion corresponds to the degree of volatility, where the most volatile elements are most depleted.
mmmm... como dices puede ser que esten saliendo gases de la tierra... pena estaba esperando un smallville peruano XD
ResponderBorraresta vez tengo que decir que felizmente no fue así, sino imagínate a los congresistas con poderes kryptonianos... brrrrrr!
ResponderBorrarY no nsabes si lo del meteorito tiene algo que ver con el pata que aparecio volando en alguna parte de europa???
Según Clark no tiene nada que ver, porque esto que cayó es de condrita, que por lo que veo no se mueve asi como eso que voló
ResponderBorrarCreo que Clark andaba en otras.
Por alli dijeron que fue un scud el que hizo ese hoyo,que el ejercito peruano estaba probando ese misil..para saber cual sera la verdad.
ResponderBorrarel ejército peruano está más perdido, lo dudo